Just Another Day

Monday, March 27, 2006

Here I Go Again..

Everytime I 'start over' that killer song by Whitesnake goes through my mind-Though Tawny Kitaen I'm not. As of March 1st I am a single mom again with two very busy boys, I've got a newly purchased home that is in need of a major overhaul inside and out (who invented wallpaper borders with geese anyways?) .

My two sons are 7 and 11 and between 4 days of baseball practice, 1 night of Cub Scouts-which I am the Den Leader, 1 night of Boy Scouts and various other little things they keep me running. My youngest was diagnosed with ADHD about a year and a half ago. Since then I have changed his dietary intake and he is doing nutrient therapy in lieu of the traditional medicinal methods. The best part? It works-He's allowed to let his 'smart shine through' and not just be seen for his silliness, fidgeting and wild behavior. My oldest has always been a sweet child--But those pre-teen hormones are kicking in and life is not what it used to be.

So, welcome to my little home on the internet and glimpse into my other than average life!


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