Just Another Day

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Baseball Season is here

As I watched baseball practice last night I realized it was the end of a era. Since 1999 one of my boys has been playing tball; now I've got one playing in the Majors and the other in the Minors. It's a bittersweet feeling realizing that the only t-ball I'll be watching is as a spectator only-and not as a Mom.

I always loved t-ball. Kids forgetting to run after they hit the ball for the first time or starting to run the wrong way, little ones picking flowers in the outfield, and the look of pure excitement as they run across home plate for the first time. The cheering on the t-ball field is entirely different too..There's a sense of excitement that isn't there on the other fields. Every hitter gets cheered on no matter what team they're on or if they get tagged out at first. It's the field where my love affair with baseball began.

Though my guys have moved on and the competition is stiffer I will always remember them on the t-ball fields.


  • At 10:49 PM , Blogger Willow said...

    And you would never have it any other way.

    I just set up a blog also.


    I getting involved in some old house sites and I think blogging is the way many of them chart their progress on projects.


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