Just Another Day

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

My music library has just expanded..

A friend of mine gave me his music back up DVDs to copy. We're talking *HUNDREDS* of songs-Old & New. Holy camoly-I have more music on my computer now than ever before. I love hitting shuffle and waiting to see what will come up.

Right now, I'm loving the new Chili Pepper CD but I'm getting ready to listen to the new Tool CD which I hear rocks!


  • At 12:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    When we moved to NZ (um , 3 weeks ago) I gave all of our CDs to Lauri & Larry--they each got a big carrying case holding like 200 cds each.
    We had already uploaded most of it on our computers(IPods), so they are in music heaven too.
    Have fun & let me know what you think of the Tool CD.

  • At 2:06 PM , Blogger Kimmah said...

    lucky you. I'm ready to update my music. I need suggestions. I was just thinking that I need to make a call for ideas and then I read this post. Freaky.


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