Just Another Day

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Who can I stand behind?

I remember in 6th grade slapping a girl across the face for calling me a bitch and sitting in the office *dreading* my mother who had been called. When she got there she handed me a Slurpee and stood up for me w/ the Vice Principal. I'll never forget that moment. I had a champion.

Now, as a grown up I wish I still had that comfort of knowing I had someone in my corner ready to go out when the bell rang ready to throw punches for me-Or even to stand in front of me to deflect the blows. Neither of my marraiges afforded me that comfort-Not even once.

Today was a day that I could have used a hero..Just for a little while.


  • At 4:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    {{{{Mere}}}}, sorry your day was shitty.
    Wish I could slap someone for you.
    ---and WTG, to your Mom w/ the Slurpee...what a cool memory!---

  • At 7:38 PM , Blogger Willow said...

    What a good idea, I hope some day I create such a fantastic memory.

    I wish I was there to be your hero.


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