Just Another Day

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Baseball is in the air and I can't stop breathing it in-

Our Little League season starts on Saturday with our annual Opening Day Parade followed by an entire day of beloved baseball. My other child, Princess, is playing tball this year, Turtle has been moved up to Minor-Majors (Kid Pitch) and Brain is playing in the Majors.

I can't wait to:

-Smell the fresh cut grass of our Major Field

-Watch my boys in their 4th and 8th Opening Day Ceremony. It's amazing how grown up they seem now in their uniforms.

-Watch the t-ballers in their first Opening Day Parade.

-Open the fresh new scorebook and start keeping score for a new season. (I liken it to starting a new journal.)

-Set up my camp chair beside the dugout, like always, and root for my teams.

-The sun to warm my body and start my tan for the year.

-Buy a large amount of sunflower seeds and start eating them as I do during baseball. I have found this is the best way for me to keep out of trouble with my mouth at the field.

-Watch my cautious Brain turn into a total maniac on the field. It doesn't matter how big the opponent is when they're sliding into home plate and he's catching he becomes this fierce fearless man child.

-Watch my Turtle change from silly smiling boy he is into the "serious" ball player.

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