Hello, my name is X and I'm a missing blogger...

Do you realize how many times I've started and stopped a new post or composed the wittiest most amazingly awesome post in my head??? Yet for some reason I haven't been able to get it together enough to come back here and just do it.
I have so many things to update yet all I want to write about is the most wonderful person in my life. My sweet Turtle. With the biggest green eyes I've ever seen surrounded by longest lushest eyelashes that turn up just right when he smiles, a face chock full of sweet freckles and a sweet smile that will light up a room.
I've always known how wonderful and special he is but he has proven himself to me yet again. This week I had a horrible virus and was deathly ill. He sat guard on my bed making sure that I wasn't disturbed and that I had ice cold ginger ale whenever I needed it. Though I felt like I was dying I still had to go into work to print p/r. Who went with me? My faithful sidekick. Who all but drove the car for me? My faithful little sidekick. His exact words to me when I tried to stop him from kissing me? "Mommy, when I'm sick you don't stop kissing me. I don't care if I get sick I'm going to take care of you and I'm going to kiss you. I love you. K?"
Here lately he's taken to putting his hand on my hand, my back or my arm and saying 'I love you'. We've always had a connection since before he was born. Most days I could swear the umbilical cord was never cut and I'd sue but it was cut by his father. He is usually never far from my side and has a jealous streak over any other child besides his brother getting my attention.
As I sit here waxing poetic about my baby he's snoring on the other end of the couch with his feet tucked up under me..Too freakin' cute!
At 10:37 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Love him... Love you.
Nice post.
- T.
At 10:58 AM ,
mamakohl said...
Ain't sons grand?
At 11:07 PM ,
Kimmah said...
what a cutie!!!
At 11:41 PM ,
Willow said...
He is such a keeper. With a son like that, you will always be blessed.
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