Just Another Day

Friday, April 20, 2007

Disappointing and pathetic yet not suprising..

With a title like that those who know me know where this post is headed. One would think when you lose custody and all of a sudden have a whole boatload of restrictions you'd take a step back and re-evaluate your life without your children. Yet not even a month from losing all control in their lives he's at it again. He cannot control his out of control lifestyle. Among other things the girlfriend (which they say isn't his gf yet he calls her gf???) who laid hands on Crash and Turtle is still in the picture. Though I can guarantee that she will NEVER get near them again. It may mean starting a Bail Fund and memorizing the important phone numbers for when I get that one phone call but she will not be a part of their lives.

Though I must say that knowing that I have the power to legally protect my children from his pathetic downward spiral gives me a sense of relief that I've never been able to feel before. It will take some getting used to realizing that he is just a visitor not a guardian. I wonder when it will sink in with him..

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