Just Another Day

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Ramblings on a late night:

-Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back is one of the best movies ever. Totally misunderstood. I love this movie. Every time I watch it I find something new. Note to self: Must buy this movie and quit renting it! (We still monkeys all the time. Right Lunchbox?? and BooBoo Kitty F*CK!!!) This movie has great lines.

-The bubs have been gone all weekend and will be back in the morning. I have missed them insanely but it's been a nice weekend.

-Working in my yard is a true stress reliever. I have found my nirvana. Now if only the leaves would disappear on their own.

-Jack the wonder dog loves the park and hamburgers--Though I'm not sure in what
order...The park has more squirrels than he can chase, and lots of spots to leave p-mail yet a hamburger has him on his knees.

-Text messaging-What is the protocol? Do you need to respond? Or can you just read and move on? Personally, I've been ignoring a few today. They're idiots and I just cannot respond.

-I cannot shake DB. Just when a weekend without my bubs comes up and I'm not thinking of him, why does he text me? Why does he take my stupid bait and take my 'If you miss me, call me and tell me." and call me?!?!? And not just call to talk he calls to tell me he misses me. I just wish I could draw a line and stay on my side of it or at least figure out how to get over him.

-Friendly or flirty?? That is the question. I wish I knew the answer. Though I'm enjoying the conversation either way.

-One of my dearest friends got married this weekend. I wish I had been there but I know she's happy now and her family is complete. She deserves all of it.



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