I kept the phrase 'nothing ventured is nothing gained' in the forefront of my brain. So far, no changes. Except the fact that I could melt for this one. Who am I kidding-I am. I have been bold tonight, we'll see if it works it my favor. Nothing ventured, nothing gained...
It has also been a horrific night. One of the most special people I know at baseball resigned from the Board tonight. This man is overworked and under-appreciated. His departure was shocking for everyone in the room except the martyr acting power loving husband and wife team who don't have a brain cell between them.
I should stop drinking the wine and go to bed but the Sox and Yanks are tied and if they Yankees win then I'll scream
It has also been a horrific night. One of the most special people I know at baseball resigned from the Board tonight. This man is overworked and under-appreciated. His departure was shocking for everyone in the room except the martyr acting power loving husband and wife team who don't have a brain cell between them.
I should stop drinking the wine and go to bed but the Sox and Yanks are tied and if they Yankees win then I'll scream
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