Here's something I didn't think I'd be saying for a Long time..
I've got a serious case of the likes going on. There is a constant smile on my face these days. I get giddy when the phone rings and it's him. I've asked all the important questions and so far no skeletons. No dui's, no suspended license, doesn't live with his mother, doesn't rely on his mother for income, isn't a Gemini, the only blip on the radar is getting in trouble with the law at the beach 5 or more years ago for fighting. The positives definitely outweigh-owns his own home, owns rental property, helps out his parents, has a great relationship with his daughter, he's tall-I have a thing for tall men among many other things. But the best positive is that we've known each other for 7 years and he knows what a rambling nut I can be already. He also knows what a fuck-up my ex is and that my boys mean more than anything else to me. It's almost comfortable. Though I am waiting for the other shoe to drop as I don't make good relationship choices (Just check out my track record.). I keep the fuck ups and have somehow mucked up w/ the good ones.
Never fear-I'm having fun for the moment. I deserve a little bit of it. For now I've found myself a small slice of happiness and I intend to enjoy it and ride it out. We'll see where it ends up with this little city girl and her country boy.
PS- Did I mention that he wouldn't mind having another kid one day? Good thing we're not serious since I don't know where I stand on that.
Never fear-I'm having fun for the moment. I deserve a little bit of it. For now I've found myself a small slice of happiness and I intend to enjoy it and ride it out. We'll see where it ends up with this little city girl and her country boy.
PS- Did I mention that he wouldn't mind having another kid one day? Good thing we're not serious since I don't know where I stand on that.
At 3:23 PM ,
mamakohl said...
Sportzmom and Sort-of-Work-Dude sitting in a tree, K-i-s-s-i-n-g.
At 10:48 AM ,
Willow said...
Enjoy the dance and take it just one day at a time. If you start to go too fast, I'll slap you down. Nice and slow and enjoy the moments.
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