Happiness Is....
New Christmas flannel pj pants
Lavendar & Vanilla Scents throughout my house
Turtle sitting beside me and throwing his arm around my shoulder, and twirling my hair as we watch tv
Trans Siberian Orchestra
A Perfect Margarita and a good friend to gab with
Going in my room to find Brain had fallen asleep in my bed and automatically moving to cuddle in his sleep when I laid beside him.
My dog getting his Christmas present early: A visit to the Groomers!
A crackling fire in my fireplace while watching holiday movies with the boys and Jack is asleep at my feet.
Curling up with a good book and a hot cup of tea
The look on Turtle & Brain's faces when they see the tree on Christmas morning
Turtle's love of all books and his thirst for knowledge
Brain's sweet caring soul and his love of taking care of his little cousin
A man who makes me smile, knows me well enough that the newness of it all doesn't feel so frightning
Watching a nail biter football game and enjoying the complexity of the sport
The Giants beating the Boys on Sunday.
And last but never least-This sitting under my tree on Christmas morning:

At 10:50 AM ,
Willow said...
You can't have the Giants winning over the Cowboys. All else I would give you in a heartbeat. Even the man under the tree.
At 8:29 AM ,
mamakohl said...
I'll smuggle your guy under the tree for you if you do the same for me. Maybe on the weekends we can swap!!!
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