Just Another Day

Thursday, December 07, 2006

I am a woman obsessed:

The objects of my obsession are as follows in no particular order:

1. Dallas Cowboys-Romo Rocks! For that matter TO is just endearing himself to me everytime I see him. Who would've thought the Drama Queen from Phillie would make me smile?? (Don't even say it T-I know I know!)
2. My date tomorrow night-Will Friday hurry up and get here already?!?!? We're supposed to get together Saturday evening too since we're both kid free this weekend..
3. NY Giants-Manning, Shockey & Burress make me happy..Too bad Tiki is retiring.
4. Chai Tea-Yummm..I need to stock some here at work.
5. Edy's Peppermint Ice Cream-Once a year I buy it and it's sooo worth the $4 a container.
6. Christmas--Is it here yet? I cannot wait til Christmas morning this year. It's the first year in a long time that the boys & I are on our own again. Our traditions only.


  • At 8:19 PM , Blogger Willow said...

    I'm more Romo obsessed than you are. Easily more so. As far as TO, I'm enjoying him play the media.

    Not a hot tea person so you can have that one all alone.


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