Just Another Day

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Attention All-Closure has happened!

I thought I was pretty slick and was going to be able to keep DB at arms length. No such luck-I realized that I had left my fleece at his house a couple months back and I needed it back. Desperately. I couldn't let it go-I covet this fleece hoodie.

So, knowing I dressed to kill yesterday I called him to see if he'd meet me after work to give it to me. Not only did I get my fleece but I was able to kiss him good-bye and realized there was nothing behind it for me. Woo-Freaking-Hoo!! I also got my sweet bit of revenge because it was said that he hoped I was changing before baseball because of all those baseball dads. Hehehehe..

So, in conclusion I got a favorite article of clothing back as well as closure and my heart is intact.

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