Just Another Day

Monday, June 04, 2007

So..Nothing ventured Nothing gained right???

I was bold last night-Totally fearless (for me) in fact. Until my phone trilled and I had a response via text message. It took me several minutes to work up the courage to check it. After much thought I realized the response that was given was not what I wanted to hear but it was better. It isn't something that you text besides being too many letters for a text it is something to be said in person.

I watched him coach tonight. I forgot how good he is with the kids. I forgot about how passionate he is with the sport. At one point he looked over at me, grinned and I realized that I was gone.

Did I tell you he calls me by my nickname when it's just us talking? You know that four letter adaptation of my name that only those who know me in my online community and very few IRL call me? I don't know how he picked up on it or where it came from but it sounds good coming from him. That in itself is enough to make me melt.



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