Just Another Day

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Not being a Den Leader again..Yeah right.

Looking back through some of my previous ramblings I found the statement: "I repeat NOT going to be a Den Leader this year.I've done 2 years it's time to be a parent and help that way".

Imagine me falling down now and laughing at my own audacity to even think about not being the Bear Den Leader! What kind of selfish woman am I?? I am the Bear Den Leader with 4 little boys, one of which I haven't seen yet since he's still playing football.

How could this happen you ask? When I was so adamant about not doing it? It's simple, Turtle looked at me with those eyes that are exactly like mine (except he's got longer lashes. Brat!) and said he just wanted me to be his Leader one more time. Throw in a lower lip protruding slightly in sadness and a couple pleaseeee mommas and you've got me agreeing to do it yet again. My reward for falling for the boy's charm yet again-the biggest hug and a huge smak right on the lips.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy every minute of it (Just about.) and 3 of the 4 boys are utter angels I just wanted to be a parent again. That'll have to wait til next year..Maybe..


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