Just Another Day

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Baseball Season is here

As I watched baseball practice last night I realized it was the end of a era. Since 1999 one of my boys has been playing tball; now I've got one playing in the Majors and the other in the Minors. It's a bittersweet feeling realizing that the only t-ball I'll be watching is as a spectator only-and not as a Mom.

I always loved t-ball. Kids forgetting to run after they hit the ball for the first time or starting to run the wrong way, little ones picking flowers in the outfield, and the look of pure excitement as they run across home plate for the first time. The cheering on the t-ball field is entirely different too..There's a sense of excitement that isn't there on the other fields. Every hitter gets cheered on no matter what team they're on or if they get tagged out at first. It's the field where my love affair with baseball began.

Though my guys have moved on and the competition is stiffer I will always remember them on the t-ball fields.

My Baby was a Blue Crayon..

As I walked in his 2nd grade classroom there he was instructing a 3rd grader at the computer station wearing his blue dress shirt, blue jeans, a Crayon logo down his body & a crayon tip hat! It was adorable!

Our elementary school had Social Studies day today. Each class had to present something that they've been learning about for other classes to view. Since they've been studying Economics they've used that as their subject for the project. They made crayons last week with broken ones and used them in one of their presentations today, another to describe the process, the computers were used to show about capital and natural resources and then a 'quiz' at the final station. They really outdid themselves this year.

My 5th grader's class did a skit that took place during the Civil War. They all did fantastic!! The classroom was transformed into a Union Camp, the girls all had skirts from that period (Thanks to my seamstress Grandma!) and they did awesome!! The class wrote their own skit, made their props including a tent that looked authentic and were very professional! They even had a 'stage crew'!

All in all it was an incredible day in our household. Even creating terrariums at Cub Scouts tonight went well! ;-)

Monday, March 27, 2006

Here I Go Again..

Everytime I 'start over' that killer song by Whitesnake goes through my mind-Though Tawny Kitaen I'm not. As of March 1st I am a single mom again with two very busy boys, I've got a newly purchased home that is in need of a major overhaul inside and out (who invented wallpaper borders with geese anyways?) .

My two sons are 7 and 11 and between 4 days of baseball practice, 1 night of Cub Scouts-which I am the Den Leader, 1 night of Boy Scouts and various other little things they keep me running. My youngest was diagnosed with ADHD about a year and a half ago. Since then I have changed his dietary intake and he is doing nutrient therapy in lieu of the traditional medicinal methods. The best part? It works-He's allowed to let his 'smart shine through' and not just be seen for his silliness, fidgeting and wild behavior. My oldest has always been a sweet child--But those pre-teen hormones are kicking in and life is not what it used to be.

So, welcome to my little home on the internet and glimpse into my other than average life!