Just Another Day

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Four Days and Counting

Until vacation! Only four more days and I won't be worried about such trifles as repair jobs that crews keep putting off, unhappy customers, job costing, staring at our dwindling checking account since there is a lull in construction and most of all the *&^%%$%^$ phones that I have to answer.

In four days I will be living in my bathing suit with a margarita not far from my hand with either my feet in the sand or in a lounge chair at the pool. I'll be dividing my time between watching the kids play in the sand and water and reading my stash of Marian Keyes novels that I've been dying to start. And if I finish those I have several others waiting patiently in the wings.

A friend & I are braving camping at the beach with four kids for the week. Now, before you start having heart palpitations and thinking that I'm roughing it-I'm not. Their camper has a/c, small stove, bathroom, fridge etc. Never fear there will be a plug for our blender and coffee pot.

(Just so you know I enjoy roughing it while camping but only in the Fall, Winter or early Spring. Otherwise it's too damn hot to enjoy it. That and with someone else who enjoys the cooking aspect of it.)

This will also be my first "vacation" in a long time that I will not be running all over the place. It will be relaxing and non-productive. Last year's vacation to Myrtle Beach would have been that had it been just my boys & I-No X. His constant need to go-go-go is something I don't miss. The boys and I are already planning next years trip to MB-I offered saving for Disney or somewhere else but they want to go back to Myrtle Beach. They're their momma's beach babies.

I'm also leaving the trusty always by my side laptop at home too. It's just one more way for me to check in at work and not veg out with my friend and the kids. Besides if anything happens in the world that I must surely know about I'll still have my cell phone.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Things that are aggravating me today-

1-Men who feel that their children are objects-Not people. I am tired of having to explain that my children are scheduled to visit during X time, and no, that it's not acceptable to put cleaning your Mommy's pool and drinking ahead of your children and move that time frame.

2-Same men in #1 who feel that we should be understanding and sympathetic that they haven't had any work (Try getting a real job instead of sitting around saying 'I'm my own boss.') due to not being able to drive blah blah blah and that they cannot pay their child support in a timely manner because of this.

3-Entitlement. I am surrounded by people who feel entitled but one keeps coming to the front of my mind today. My ex feels he's entitled to whatever he wants in the house. He keeps demanding to add thingsto a 'list' he keeps rattling off to me, he won't put it in writing and I'm sorry since when you do deserve everything worth anything in the house?? Does he forget the DUI that cost me a vehicle, cancelled insurance and raised auto insurance rates? How about the month of support he was behind on b/c he was in jail? I am not his mother (Thank God) who is his enabler.

4-Golf. Tired tired tired of golf. I'm not understanding how people I work with can spend the whole day on the golf course w/ each other-Not customers and it's acceptable. It's discrimination against those who don't play golf. We don't get the same privileges.

5-Weight Gain-Why oh why can't the 15 lbs. I picked up somewhere disappear like they did before I turned 30? Before 30 I could eat what I wanted, whenever I wanted, and not gain. Or if I gained it was lost quickly and painlessly. Now, it seems as though the part of my brain that stopped me from eating during stress has decided that food is my friend in times of crisis. I guess I really must start watching what I'm eating or else I'll end up being someone I don't want to be. Damn.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Reading Lists:

Our school system has a required summer reading program. My rising 3rd grader has to read 5 books and my rising 6th grader has to read 2 to 5 depending on size and difficulty. What amazes me is what Turtle is reading. His current books include:

-The Count of Monte Cristo
-Freckle Juice
-Spyderwick Series
-The Last of the Mohicans

And I really had to push the Freckle Juice book because it's light and on the reading list. After seeing him read these books on his own it got me wondering where he scored on his PALS testing this Spring so I got the school to fax the results to me. He has a 97% accuracy of reading & context at a 5th grade level and a 96% at a 6th. No freakin' wonder he wants nothing to do with the books on the rising 3rd grade list (ex: Nate the Great, Magic Tree House, Arthur books, Strega Nona and Flat Stanley). I'm just happy that one of my boys loves to read like their Momma. Crash likes to read so long as I'm reading with him but my little Turtle will sit on his own reading like there's no tomorrow.

At least when I turn the Living Room into a Library it'll get some use!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The aliens have landed and other ramblings

Remember Tattoo from Fantasy Island? That's whose voice I hear everytime I see the boys after the are with their father for any amount of time. Except it's not 'De plane! De plane!' it's 'De Aliens! De Aliens!'

They leave as sweet silly boys and return as quarrelsome, screechy, mean aliens. And that's putting it nicely. It takes about 4 days to level them back out and I'm only on Day 2. Then it starts all over again in 2 weeks. I think part of it is the separation and schedule change but he also lets them eat junk they're not allowed. Especially Turtle. And the sad thing is he *knows* his dietary restrictions and what it does to him to eat HFCS, red 40, caffeine and chocolate! I think it's a subconscious effort of *f-ing* with me and being the 'cool dad'.

Pirates of the Caribbean-I have to see this movie. N.O.W. The boys lost the privilege of going tonight for Turtle's birthday so now tomorrow is hanging precariously by a thread. I hate suffering because of their behavior-If I didn't know better I'd think they were trying to break me and see if I'll stick to my guns. I just want a large Diet Coke, buttered popcorn, Mr. Depp and Mr. Bloom-That's it nothing more nothing less. They're old enough to buddy system it to the restroom if need be because hook me up to a catheter I'm not leaving my seat until its over!

Crash leaves for camp on Saturday. Somehow $200 for camp has turned into $300-Between gas/food fees, spending $$ for snacks & souveniers..Ugh ugh ugh..He'll have a killer time though. He's scheduled to do First Aid, Swimming, Woodworking, Fishing, Art and Mammal Exploration. Gotta love Scouts.

The best news of all? I signed up with Direct TV today and got a Killer deal with the DVR and FOOTBALL package!! Woohoo!! Oh and did I mention it will also include like 14 HBO channels so I'm never too far away from Entourage? Or Dane Cook's Tourgasm-He's a whole other thread. He is hysterical!

Now with my Fall and Winter television watching firmly in place I can focus on other things like fall camping and finding Turtle a new Cub Scout pack since I am not I repeat NOT going to be a Den Leader this year.I've done 2 years it's time to be a parent and help that way.

I've rambled enough for now-Considering I have a safety program to put together by the end of the week, along with quarterly financials etc.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I'll take one of those please..

What makes me smile:

My Daddy and how he can be bribed with just the mention of Starbucks. Venti Mochachip Frap with 2 shots of expresso and he'll give you the moon.

Seriously though, he has helped me so much around my house and with the boys. I am so thankful they have such a solid positive role model in their Papa. So here's my shout out to my Daddy-I love you! (My Daddy cooking Christmas Dinner)

Monday, July 03, 2006

A little late but..

Your Birthdate: June 16

You're incredibly introverted and introspective. You live inside your head.
You spend a lot of alone time meditating and thinking.
People see you as withdrawn, and at times they are right.
You are caring and deep, but it may be difficult for you to show this side of yourself.

Your strength: Your original approach to thinking

Your weakness: You tend to shy away from others

Your power color: Pale blue

Your power symbol: Wavy line

Your power month: July