Just Another Day

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Happiness Is....

New Christmas flannel pj pants

Lavendar & Vanilla Scents throughout my house

Turtle sitting beside me and throwing his arm around my shoulder, and twirling my hair as we watch tv

Trans Siberian Orchestra

A Perfect Margarita and a good friend to gab with

Going in my room to find Brain had fallen asleep in my bed and automatically moving to cuddle in his sleep when I laid beside him.

My dog getting his Christmas present early: A visit to the Groomers!

A crackling fire in my fireplace while watching holiday movies with the boys and Jack is asleep at my feet.

Curling up with a good book and a hot cup of tea

The look on Turtle & Brain's faces when they see the tree on Christmas morning

Turtle's love of all books and his thirst for knowledge

Brain's sweet caring soul and his love of taking care of his little cousin

A man who makes me smile, knows me well enough that the newness of it all doesn't feel so frightning

Watching a nail biter football game and enjoying the complexity of the sport

The Giants beating the Boys on Sunday.

And last but never least-This sitting under my tree on Christmas morning:

Monday, November 27, 2006

Christmas is in the air

Every year I start getting that itch around Turkey Day to start dragging out the decorations, lights and ornaments. The past 3 years we've done an artificial tree but now that I've shaken the dead weight (aka the X) the boys and I have gone back to our tradition of a real tree. I went and picked out the fattest tallest Frasier Fir that I could find. My Living Room smells delicious thanks to that beautimous tree. I cannot wait to string the lights tonight and look at all of our ornaments. Most are made by the boys-Wouldn't have it any other way. It is always a sentimental trip when I start decorating the tree.

My 2nd Annual trek to Garden Ridge went off without a hitch as well. We had a nice day after Turkey Dinner with a couple Disgruntled Elves. (Note-You must try this drink! It is definitely a cup full of cheer!! I will post the recipe.) We cruised through the entire store (no kids) and I drooled over the yard decorations that I cannot have this year. Maybe next year the yard will be done. I did rather well considering they were having their Midnight Madness sale-I loaded up on more decorations, candles etc without going over budget. In fact I think I was under my 'allotted amount'!

I even have made a major dent in shopping for the boys-Including Brain's birthday which is just around the corner. Heck I usually don't get this far ahead in November. I have a feeling this is going to be a great holiday season around our house.

Friday, November 03, 2006

My lunch date/thing/whatever:

For those who know me well you know what an introvert I really truly am. My personal is personal and I am painfully shy and way to sensitive. The invention of the internet (Who was it that invented the internet anyways? Al Gore? =0P ) is the most wonderful thing-I get human contact without having to put myself out there in person.

So today I had lunch with a really nice guy that I've known for seven years and have mildly flirted with via the telephone for years. (Another great invention!) I was all nerves til I walked in and sat down. Nervous enough to dream of a ciggie for about a millisecond. But thankfully he isn't a smoker either or that would have been all she wrote. It was a nice lunch, there weren't any weird gaps in conversation-We've got too much in common for that-And we'll get together again. Another cool thing is he has his daughter the same weekend I have the boys so we have the same 'kid free' weekends. (Did I mention that the daughter is older-Which means no younger kid baggage like before?) Who knows. Could stay friends could go elsewhere, doesn't bother me either way. He's a really nice guy and here's the key word. Normal. No DUIs, doesn't live with his mother, doesn't rely on his mother for income, owns his own house..Scary isn't it?

Enough babbling for now..I'm off to overanalyze some more! LOL!