Just Another Day

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am..

For those of us who follow the Bo Sox do I need to say anything more? Not only did the boys have their FIRST Fenway Park sweep of the Yankees since 1990 they made history and tied a MLB record with not one, not two, not three but can we say FOUR consecutive home runs!

Their streak started with Manny driving the ball over left center field and onto Lansdowne Street and if that wasn't enough Drew stepped up to the plate and slammed it over the bull-pen in right center and into the stands. Next in line was Lowell who smacked it over the wall in left field and tied the game. Finally, last but never least, Tek stepped up to bat and slammed it straight into the Monster Seats to pull them into the lead. My hat is off to you boys, job well done.

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Friday, April 20, 2007

Disappointing and pathetic yet not suprising..

With a title like that those who know me know where this post is headed. One would think when you lose custody and all of a sudden have a whole boatload of restrictions you'd take a step back and re-evaluate your life without your children. Yet not even a month from losing all control in their lives he's at it again. He cannot control his out of control lifestyle. Among other things the girlfriend (which they say isn't his gf yet he calls her gf???) who laid hands on Crash and Turtle is still in the picture. Though I can guarantee that she will NEVER get near them again. It may mean starting a Bail Fund and memorizing the important phone numbers for when I get that one phone call but she will not be a part of their lives.

Though I must say that knowing that I have the power to legally protect my children from his pathetic downward spiral gives me a sense of relief that I've never been able to feel before. It will take some getting used to realizing that he is just a visitor not a guardian. I wonder when it will sink in with him..

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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Upon reading my own blog I realized something-

I was pretty snarky the other day. Chalk it up to wanting to go get my coffee on the way to work on by myself and being violated by the stalking smother-er. Unfortunately that is my only 'alone time' until late at night and I'm pretty protective of it.

Anyways, I said something that I need to clarify-Not for all 4 people who read my blog but for myself. One of my reasons for u-turning (BTW I did that u-turn in record time!) the other day was We aren't in the same place right now. He's wanting to give someone his heart and I'm not wanting to give anyone anything. That's not entirely true. I want to be able to give myself to someone but it seems that everytime I do I've made yet another bad choice. I think I've taken the crown in that pageant. That and the fact that there needs to be something there to want to take that step. That step just isn't done in a month-At least not in my book. I need a sign, a spark, a something. I'm not meant to be hum drum and boring which would have been the case if I hadn't cut and run.

Enough rambling, I need more caffiene.

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Saturday, April 07, 2007

Get a clue-

Turtle and I were at the public library the other night killing time while waiting on Crash's Scout Meeting to end. Now mind you the library is one of my absolute favorite places to be and thankfully Turtle feels the same. Though this night I left with a bad taste in my mouth.

For those who don't know him Turtle for all of his silliness is a very intelligent child. He thinks on a totally different plane than most people I know. I tend to refer to it as the ADHD brain. He also picks topics you don't expect out of an 8 year old to learn about i.e. the Holocaust, DNA, Iwo Jima, and now Kim Jung-il. Once he gets on a topic watch out! Not to mention for 8 years old he reads at an almost 10th grade level.

Anyways, he wanted books on Kim Jung-il so we went to the adult resource desk together and he asked for what he wanted. The man behind the counter gave me a quizzical look and I explained that it was fine and he was interested in the dictator. He looks it up for us and tells Matthew that the shorter books are already checked out and all that's left are some that are 200-400 pages. Turtle's response: "That's okay. I read at a 9.5 grade level."

While taking us to where the books were on the shelf he continued to talk Turtle out of them. So much so that when he left us at the shelf Turtle declined them b/c the librarian said they were too big.

I have never wanted to complain about a librarian until then. Who is he to decide whether a book is too much for a child when the parent is standing right there okaying the book and explaining what the child enjoys reading?? I could almost understand if he was unaccompanied or if he didn't vocalize his needs and reasons already but damn talk about judging a book by its cover.

I've already set the book up for transfer to our normal library so Turtle's thirst for knowledge on Kim Jung-il will be satisfied. Though I have to wonder after he's had his fill what his next subject will be? And I wonder when he'll want to start his version of the election coverage...You don't even want to know how vocal he was with his opinions at the polls during our last governor's election. All I'll say is that he has some strong opinions and not every adult in the room thought he was amusing.

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Friday, April 06, 2007

By the Way...I almost forgot..

After over 8 months of hell justice prevailed a week ago. After 5 excruciating hours of having my adrenalin pump non stop it was not only decided that I am the one and only but that I also "call the shots".

It was interesting to watch karma bite them in the ass. Not only did they heap lie upon lie their very own words came back to haunt them. Finally the control freak is not in control. He cannot and will not dominate us again. And for the first time in I don't know how long I feel empowered. I don't need someone to stand behind anymore.

Bad Boys Bad Boys

Yesterday afternoon I was alone at work enjoying the solo time. I had my tunes cranked and was in my own little world until a SUV rolls up and out jump two guys w/ badges around their necks.

My first thought?
Oh F&^% it's INS..We're being raided.

My 2nd thought?
Why did my boss choose today of all days to leave early??

Although my panic attack over the thought of INS wanting to check my employee files to make sure all the boys are legal was unwarranted it was still a bit creepy.

Turns out they were Virginia's version of Dog the Bounty Hunter. Oh joy. And they were looking for someone who hasn't worked for us in over a year. Whew! I gave them all the info I had on the guy (which wasn't much) and they were on their merry way to find the bail jumping, drug dealing, police officer assaulting creep. The funniest part? The big scary guy gave me his card and his nickname was "Tiny"..Talk about irony.

My job may suck at times but at least it's never dull.

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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

10 Things--I challenge you!

While procrastinating at work I realized that my fellow blogger, Kimmah, had a good idea with posting 10 Things You Don't Know About Me. Below I've listed my 10 things and I challenge my other blogging buddies to do the same!

Ten Things You Don't Know About Me

1. I bought a new remote for my bedroom tv back in October-I've yet to program it and use it.

2. I kept a pair of the X's cargo shorts. Not for sentimental reasons but for the simple fact that they looked kind of good on me in a skater girl kind of way and I wanted them.

3. I still dream of doing something in fashion like I did as a little girl.

4. I removed my piercing-Though I think I'd like to do it again...

5. I love word games.

6. I have started writing my 'novel'.

7. I still haven't finished Turtle's baby quilt..He'll be 9 in July.

8. I love to sing in the car.

9. I'm obsessive and dramatic.

10. I love to dance around my house with my tunes cranking.

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Baseball is in the air and I can't stop breathing it in-

Our Little League season starts on Saturday with our annual Opening Day Parade followed by an entire day of beloved baseball. My other child, Princess, is playing tball this year, Turtle has been moved up to Minor-Majors (Kid Pitch) and Brain is playing in the Majors.

I can't wait to:

-Smell the fresh cut grass of our Major Field

-Watch my boys in their 4th and 8th Opening Day Ceremony. It's amazing how grown up they seem now in their uniforms.

-Watch the t-ballers in their first Opening Day Parade.

-Open the fresh new scorebook and start keeping score for a new season. (I liken it to starting a new journal.)

-Set up my camp chair beside the dugout, like always, and root for my teams.

-The sun to warm my body and start my tan for the year.

-Buy a large amount of sunflower seeds and start eating them as I do during baseball. I have found this is the best way for me to keep out of trouble with my mouth at the field.

-Watch my cautious Brain turn into a total maniac on the field. It doesn't matter how big the opponent is when they're sliding into home plate and he's catching he becomes this fierce fearless man child.

-Watch my Turtle change from silly smiling boy he is into the "serious" ball player.

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Ah my dear sweet Mama Kohl-You've inspired me:

Reasons to "date" younger:

1. They won't call you in the morning.

2. No matter how much experience they have-You have more. So therefore you become the teacher.

3. They don't want a relationship.

4. Gravity hasn't hit them yet.

5. They're gung-ho and persistent.

6. They've got energy.

7. They ask the darndest things.

8. They send the cutest little text messages.
And my most favorite of all...

They won't stalk you at your favorite morning coffee stop!!!

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Monday, April 02, 2007

And the flighty Gemini is back!!!!

Oh thank heavens-I am back. The commit-o-phobe is back and better than ever. I was begininng to get worried too. As for X, I have finally learned to u-turn and for several reasons. Here goes:

1. He's a smother-er
2. Ever heard of the Virgin Theory? It's no longer a theory-It's a fact.
3. We aren't in the same place right now. He's wanting to give someone his heart and I'm not wanting to give anyone anything.
4. Sybil-She's worse. Was nasty to me in front of Turtle the other day-And Turtle not only picked up on it but keeps bringing it up as it puzzles him.
5. I'm not ready to tell my kids I'm dating someone they know AND in continuing to do so I have to. Why would I have to do something I'm not prepared to do? Because his stupid X doesn't understand the difference b/t too much info and honesty. The kids do not need to know every detail of our lives which she feels needs to be done.
6. He's taken to showing up at my fave morning haunt. And I've given up Starbucks for Lent but I may have to take it back just to avoid him in the morning. I feel violated.

I swear I'm not just looking for reasons to ditch and run for cover. I just cannot deal with all of the above. I've tried to make it loud and clear but I'm going to have to draw pictures..I can see it now.

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